Jul 3, 2024

The tenth batch of Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS) cadre graduated in July 2024 from "Music Therapy Program." The program has been running since 2013 and is being organized in collaboration with the Korean Music Therapy Association and "Iowa" University in South Korea. The educators and experts who gained expertise and training from this prestigious program's framework were honored.

Music therapy is a professional intervention to use music to improve non-musical performance through structured musical behaviors and experiences. Through a systematic process of screening, planning, implementation, and evaluation, beneficiaries can achieve developmental, physical, psychological, and emotional goals.

The core of the tenth batch consists of nine female instructors and specialists from each of the SCHS's centers, schools, and branches. They possess the necessary training and qualifications to understand the fundamentals and techniques of the music therapy program.

Mrs. Khadija Ahmed Bamakhramah, Planning and Follow-up Officer and General Supervisor of the Music Therapy Program in SCHS, has confirmed that the number of graduates from SCHS staff who have completed the Music Therapy Program since its inception has reached 140 employees. Moreover, 38 female specialist students have graduated from Iowa University in South Korea. 1,414 male and female students of various disabilities and nationalities were trained in schools and SCHS centers, where the sessions achieved tangible results in improving their abilities and skills in various social, linguistic, psychological, behavioral, perceptual, motor, and cognitive fields.

To establish a strong framework of skills in the field, SCHS was eager to accredit and educate the technical and instructional personnel in the use of music therapy techniques and tactics by experts and specialists from the University of Iowa.

Employee Fatima Al Naqbi spoke during the graduation ceremony, and she was quite proud of the part she had played in this fruitful program. She emphasized the value of music therapy as a pedagogical and instructional strategy that helps students achieve real, noticeable improvements.

What SCHS hopes to accomplish by organizing the program and training its staff to become proficient in its methods and vocabulary under the guidance of the most knowledgeable specialists is to help students with disabilities enhance their quality of life, participate in society, and develop their motor, social, linguistic, and educational capacities.

When it comes to meeting the needs of the client, music therapy is utilized for a wide range of musical experiences and activities, from listening to playing and singing, to comprehending and receiving. In addition, it is a supportive treatment for a variety of other medical illnesses, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, improving physical rehabilitation, stress management, pain reduction, emotional expression, memory enhancement, and communication improvement.

Graduation projects that represented the successes of the music therapy program were examined at the end of the ceremony. The graduates emphasized the importance of maintaining the program's momentum to continue being a leader in the city of Sharjah's humanitarian services sector and achieving the intended goals.

The tenth batch graduation ceremony represents a significant advancement in the growth and enhancement of the SCHS music therapy program as well as a reaffirmation of ongoing efforts to offer the best services and initiatives that satisfy societal demands and enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.