Jun 26, 2024

As part of its commitment to assistive technologies and innovation, the Assistive Technology Center of the Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS) organized a robotics and artificial intelligence competition on Tuesday, June 25, 2025. This competition is part of SCHS’s efforts to promote technological creativity among students with disabilities and encourage them to acquire programming and designing robots’ skills.

SCHS began its journey in this field in 2011, when it participated in the World Robot Olympiad Championship. Then, SCHS used advanced technologies in education in the beginning of 2017-2018. These efforts have continued over the years, with growing participation in national and international competitions. In addition, SCHS has also organized multiple training courses for students in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence. This internal competition, organized by the Center for the third year in a row, is a vital initiative aimed at enhancing the skills of students with disabilities and encouraging them to be technically creative, with a focus on positive interaction and sustainable learning for them.

To help students gain scientific and practical skills in interacting with contemporary technological systems, the competition intends to share Arab and worldwide experiences in the disciplines of robotics and artificial intelligence. It also seeks to learn about successful experiences in this sector.

The competition also aims to provide an incubating environment for creativity and innovation within SCHS, including establishing a robot club for people with disabilities.

This year, about 29 students from various disability groups in SCHS participated in the competition, which reflects SCHS’s commitment to enhancing the capabilities and skills of people with disabilities.

Over the past years, the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Competition has proven that it not only provides a platform for scientific competition among its students, but also an effective means to enhance the role of persons with disabilities in the fields of modern technology.

Through this competition, SCHS succeeded in expanding the scope of its work with this important segment of society and enhancing the capabilities of more than 50 students with disabilities in various fields of robotics and artificial intelligence.

Participation in the competition also constituted a valuable experience to integrate people with disabilities with members of society. It received great attention and approval from the public and officials alike. Seven supervisors were also trained and qualified in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence, which contributed to enhancing their capabilities to train a larger number of students. In addition, SCHS has achieved numerous successes in national robotics and artificial intelligence competitions over the past three years, which has led SCHS to receiving awards and certificates of appreciation that reflect the level of innovation and excellence that SCHS seeks in this field.

Ms. Rabab Abdel Wahab, Director of the Assistive Technologies Center, confirmed that the competition seeks to create an incubating environment for creativity and innovation in SCHS, and supports Foundation’s vision of enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities by empowering them with technology.

She said, “This event is held to highlight the role of modern technology in empowering people with disabilities, and to provide training opportunities and cooperation with institutions and companies of common interest. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life for all and promoting accessibility in all aspects of life, including the working environment and daily life”.

The competition falls within the activities of World Accessibility Day, which highlights the importance of empowering people with disabilities through technology. It is celebrated annually at the Assistive Technologies Center in SCHS.